Wednesday, May 11, 2022


CLEAR EYES-Dissonance /disintegration, happening now in 2020-2024.  All that is isn’t.  All is appearing too complex, too fraught with unnecessary aspects of force.  Watching the news, ha more like watching an infomercial.  Just the highlights please, don’t bother with the background.  There used to be a show on TV long ago, a cop show, Dragnet, where the detectives would investigate and ask witnesses  of a crime questions.  The lead detective would say “Just the facts mam.”  Just the facts.  Well, we have gotten so far from the facts, I wonder what they are. 

Lost in a world of hype.  More and more we are looking for something outside ourselves to fill the gaps in our hearts.  But I know those gaps will not be filled by anything we create outside.  So, we look inside and see what?  Everyone wants us to work hard, to make it work.  To fix it, to splatter paint on it and make it appear as though the illusion is real.  But in our hearts we know it is not real.  We are dissolving all that is not real. 

We are on the precipice of something entirely new and it is frightening.  So we hide from ourselves and put up barriers to the truth we see.  Why?  Why not just let it happen?  Because then we are uncoupled from the many tethers we have built and floating free in space.  The universe is vast, and welcoming us forward.  How can we simply let go and open to this new way of being? 

Perhaps we are here to do just exactly what we are doing.  Question, everything and be dissonant.  Some of us at least do it so well that others are working very hard to contain or control what is unable to be contained or controlled.  Is our freedom being taken away by this?  I think not, I think our freedom is being expanded.  It is the fear of what is to come that keeps us buying guns, forcing others to see things our way, locking away those who try to open our eyes, stopping anyone not like us from simply being.

We are so vast and so small.  If we take a moment to look deeply at ourselves, what do we see?  What is within that is so fearsome?  How does this internal fear express in the world outside of us?

I am trying to simplify all my actions and reactions to life.  To see with clear eyes and to stand on the earth as a being of light that I know I am.  I see your light.  I feel your being.  I know your fear.  I am your love.  Let us flow together to the new earth, the unfettered free beings that we are.  Be loved and well, Rhea Summer Rain 5/11/2022

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